5 dental myths that could be harming your smile

In today’s day, information is available everywhere and at any time. When it comes to dental care, information found on the internet and social media can easily be misleading. With so many myths floating around, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. This is why at the Costa Rica Dental Team, we seek to bring some clarity and professional advice backed with years of experience. Here are five common myths we hear that can actually be harmful.

  1. Myth: You can whiten your teeth with baking soda. All teeth are composed of three layers: the enamel, which is the outer layer, the dentin, which is a soft, yellowish layer, and the pulp, the life of the tooth comprising hundreds of nerve endings. The enamel is naturally a white layer that can get stained when exposed to food, smoking, wine, chemicals, etc. If you use an abrasive substance like baking soda you will remove the outermost layer of the enamel and expose the underlying layer, which is naturally white. Now, this is like sanding wood; if you continually sand the surface eventually you will damage it irreversibly. In the case of teeth, if you wear away the white enamel, you will gradually expose the yellowish dentin, and remove the tooth’s protective layer. So this means you may end up with sensitive, yellowish teeth. At the dental office, we use soft abrasives to polish teeth in routine cleanings and use advanced laser technology to whiten teeth, which does not wear off your enamel.
  2. Myth: Sugar is the only cause for cavities. There are many causes for cavities aside from sugar. Cavities are formed when bacteria are not properly flushed from the tooth’s surface and they eat away the layers of the enamel and into the tooth’s inner structure, causing decay. This can be triggered for any number of reasons ranging from poor cleaning routines or dry mouth or Sjögren’s syndrome.
  3. Myth: White teeth equals healthy teeth. Although white teeth can give the impression that they are healthy, this is often not the case. Many people go to great lengths to keep the visible part of their teeth while needing dental implants, root canals, fillings or perio surgery on the back teeth. Oftentimes, these white teeth are actually crowns or veneers that mask underlying issues. Oral health is an integral parameter consisting on having each part of the mouth working together appropriately, like a well-oiled machine. A white, beautiful smile is just an aspect of this broader goal.
  4. Myth: You need to be in pain in order to visit a dentist. The reality is that preventive dentistry is the best way to save both money and worry. Regular checkups every six months allow your dentist to spot issues early and resolve them before they become serious. Always remember problems in dental health are incremental, which means they usually get worse with time if left unaddressed.
  5. Myth: If you brush your teeth, flossing isn’t necessary. Even if you have a good brushing technique, it is hard for brushes to fully reach the interproximal surfaces of teeth, meaning the surfaces of teeth that touch each other, and this is a haven for bacterial buildup. If you are not into manually flossing, you can try water flossing, which is nearly as effective, quick and painless. Whatever the method, flossing must always complement your brushing at least once per day.
5 dental myths that could be harming your smile 1

Believing dental myths can unknowingly lead to habits that harm your oral health, but knowledge is the key to prevention. By understanding the truth behind these common misconceptions, you can take better care of your teeth and gums and avoid unnecessary dental issues.

Remember, good oral hygiene doesn’t have to be complicated—it’s about consistency, using the right techniques, and staying informed. When in doubt, your dentist is always your best source of accurate advice. With regular checkups and the right habits, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a bright, healthy smile for life.

Got questions or concerns about your dental health? Let’s talk! We are a dental office located in San Jose, Costa Rica focused on bringing an alternative to the rising costs of care in the United States. With 15 years of experience as leaders in our field, you will be in the best hands. Contact us now!

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