Dental crowns are one of the most versatile restorative elements in dentistry. They are essentially a type of fixed prosthesis that simulates a tooth’s enamel. With them, you can save fractured, chipped, or grinded teeth, correct flaws in shape, color, and position, and through a full mouth restoration change your bite and overall appearance of your smile. Actually, they are the most common restorative option with millions of units fabricated each year. At our clinic alone, we can place anywhere between 10-50 units in about a week! Even so, we get many questions about what they are and how they work. Therefore, we put together five of these so you can learn more about this fascinating procedure.
What are they made of?
There is a variety of materials to choose from with crowns. The most common are stainless steel, gold, and ceramic. There are three variations. You can have them made of full metal, in which all surfaces will be metallic (be it stainless steel or gold), full ceramic, in which all surfaces will be porcelain, or a blend of metal fused to porcelain, in which the core will be metallic but the outer surfaces are covered with a layer of porcelain. You can read more about their pros and cons here.
What is the cost for a dental crown?
The cost for a dental crown depends on its material. Generally speaking, a stainless steel crown or a porcelain-fused to base metal crown will cost less than a full-gold or full-porcelain crown. The type of crown that will blend the most with natural teeth is full-porcelain. In the United States or Canada they can cost over $1000 each. The good news is that in Costa Rica they will be available for the same quality at $450-$600 each. In addition the core buildup is a fee included into this price, whereas in the United States it is charged separately. Click here to read more about what the core buildup is.
Can they get cavities?
Since the body of the crown is made of a porcelain or metal, it will not develop cavities over time. However, crowns that are seated over natural tooth can get open margins over time that can filter bacteria into your tooth. If you do not floss properly, this can cause cavities beneath the crown or on the root of the tooth.
Can I bleach crowns?
Bleaching works by agents that open the pores of your enamel and allow light into it. This is what gives the appearance of whiteness. However, since porcelain is not an organic material, bleaching does not work on crowns. The only way to change the color of a crown is by replacing it.
Do I need a dental crown?
Crowns are generally needed on teeth that have root canal treatments, that have been chipped or fractured, or that have large fillings. They are also the most common restoration over implants. Crowns are a basic element for full mouth restorations. If you have bite corrections, large gaps to fill, damage due to bruxism, or if you simply need want to change the length or shape of your teeth, then crowns are a great option for you.
Full porcelain crowns can create beautiful results and they can really change your life. Our team of restorative dentists is very skilled and their collaboration with the dental technicians at the lab achieves outstanding results. At our clinic, we work only with full ceramic or zirconium crowns, and at an affordable price! If you are looking to renew your smile or simply to save damaged teeth, you have reached the right place. Contact us now to get more information.